
Awesome Example of Federal Debt

Many of you may have already seen this, but for those that have not, please watch.  Please send this link to your friends.  Every single American should watch this and learn more about the dire situation of our national debt!

I don't agree with ALL the politics of the producers of this video, especially their critism of the argument to not raise taxes, but I definitely like the attention drawn to the problem of the national debt.  I am very happy to openly discuss this problem with anyone who recognizes it as the huge problem that it is.

If we, as Americans, underestimate this problem, pass it on to future generations (kick the can down the road) and fail to change our course as quickly and dramatically as is reasonably possible, we will bring about the downfall of our nation.  This is the MOST important issue facing our country. 

What other good resources do you have that demonstrate the importantce of getting national debt under control?  Please add examples and links via our comments section.

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